
The Den
A bar that houses The Razorteeth, the most vicious gang in Markus. While they claim to be an independent group that sides with neither The Resistance nor William A. Karture, in truth the gang are full of sleeper agents for Karture and frequently relay information back to him. It's common to see members of The Resistance at war with members of The Razorteeth, with casualties commonly on both sides. The leader of The Razorteeth, Slackjaw, rarely shows his face and spends most of his time locked in a room on the highest floor of The Den.

The Hut
A bar where The Resistance discusses their plans and stays hidden from the watchful eye of Karture. It is the largest building in Markus, yet the best preserved. The members of The Resistance live in the upper floors of the bar, whilst Joseph himself spends his time in a small room on the first floor. A large meeting room is positioned on the highest floor, while there is an entire floor dedicated to The Resistance's armory.

The School
Described as basic as it looks, due to having rescued some teachers from Karture, this school is the only place members of Norath can gain an education. This school primarily teaches on topics Karture disallows, allowing freedom of knowledge whilst also educating people on the events that transpired before William's takeover.


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Board Description
Named after the founder of The Resistance, Joseph Markus, the capital of Norath is a dingy, run down antithesis to Fulgore. It's more correct to call the city a post-apocalyptic wasteland, rubble littering the streets and gangs frequently imposing false "taxes" upon the residents. Despite it's appearance, the technology (while not as advanced as Karture's) of Norath is advanced, The Resistance's most groundbreaking piece of technology being a living, breathing combination of man and machine: Joseph Markus' own son, Matthew. In the middle of the city stands an effigy of Matthew's deceased older brother, Thomas, a hero to the downtrodden citizens as well as a hushed name among those still trapped in Karture.
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